The Philippine budget for 2014 is 2.26 Trillion. The preceding year 2013's budget, is 2.06 Trillion. The DAP government expenditure is only reported to be 50 Million - a pittance. But what is surprising is the revelation in an internet site that Ms. Leilia De Lima is the lawyer of Napoles. At least she used to be the lawyer of that fat lady.
This is abhorring, to say the least. The initial public reception of the impeachment of Chief Justice Renato Coronado Corona and the recent expose against Senators Enrile, Estrada and Revilla was that the government was pursuing the straight path, matuwid na daan as it is called.
But it was found out that Mr. Aquino was an imbecile enough to pay out 50 Million pesos each to the Congressmen and about double that to the Senators just to impeach Corona. And now it came out that Aquino, De Lima and Napoles are no strangers at all. De Lima, the lawyer of that blob and Aquino, De Lima's boss pulling the puppet strings. So what happens now?
Again it was reported in the same internet site that these issues will be diverted. Aquino, De Lima and whoever else tagging at the butt of the big man from the palace, will create scenarios that will swing public attention towards other supposedly delicious, truly newsworthy items. But satisfying the hunger for scoops is not the only be-all of journalism. Lying over and over through their mouth pieces inside the public sector and the private media organizations in the way Goebbels did for Hitler will not necessarily sway people's attention that fast anymore. This is not the World War II era any longer.
Furthermore, for the sake of nation building and patrimony, if what Omnibus Blog says is true, the act of this government of fault-finding, witch hunt, and other Inquisition type acts, in a despairing world full of social concerns such as poverty, hunger, shortages, high oil prices, rising criminality, bespeaks of a highly deranged kind of governance. Especially so that the high-and-mighty attitude of being holier than the rest of the world is coupled with large scale ransacking of wealth of this country.
This really has got to stop and people, all you people out there, it is time, I think to be more angry, to nourish more hot emotions and hit this government with whatever little we've got. The collective effect of our small assaults will certainly give this corrupt government a big start.
Start small and start today. Remember, we have a lot to gain.
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